Reshaping and redefining the corrosion-prevention industry through leading solutions for substrate preparation and protection.

At Corrosion Innovations, we are dedicated to advancing asset integrity and maintenance across a variety of industrial sectors through our innovative surface preparation products and test kits. With a commitment to excellence, our suite of products includes Chlor*Rid™, Corr-Ze™, HoldTight®, and Chlor*Rid™ test kits, all designed to deliver superior coating performance and reliability.

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Our Surface Preparation & Test Kit Product Lines

Many believe all contaminants can be removed through abrasive blasting or simple washing, but this is not so—residual contaminants remain on the metal substrate. These contaminants will lead to premature coating failures and metal degradation. By eliminating contaminants, our surface preparation products ensure that coating systems have higher bonding strength and longer service life.  

Solving Industry Matters

Metal-substrate contaminants are the number-one cause of all coating failures. Most often they are inadequately detected by current test methods, or are simply ignored. Substrate contamination from soluble salts, such as nitrates, chlorides and sulfates, has been shown to lead to coating failures. The industry has spent countless hours and capital studying and identifying soluble salts. Sulfides are substrate contaminants that, we believe, are the leading culprit contributing to cathodic corrosion. Sulfides are non-soluble and difficult to remove. Because many industry professionals are unaware of their existence, sulfides are rarely detected and discussed. In fact, Corrosion Innovations is the only one in the market today addressing sulfide removal.

Committed Stewardship

We guarantee customers the highest quality product and customer support. Available to all buyers, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) define physical and chemical properties of our product, hazards, first-aid measures, accidental release procedures, handling and storage, exposure controls and personal protection, physical and chemical properties, toxicological information, disposal considerations, transport information, regulations and other information. All SDS sheets are 2015 GHS compliant.

View our Product Data Sheets and SDS sheets.

ISO 9000 Manufacturing

Corrosion Innovations’ Gulf Coast manufacturing facility is ISO 9000 certified with a state-of-the-art quality control laboratory and inventory tracking system. All products are batch manufactured and randomly sampled to ensure products meet established quality specifications. Corrosion Innovation has alternative ISO 9000-certified manufacturing facilities located on the East and West coasts to prevent any disruption of service due to weather, natural disaster or catastrophic events.